
2016-10-08 16:21:29作者:潘超明 周婉琳 来源:农学院 点击数:


6日下午和107日上午,由农学院主办的作物分子生理与遗传育种国际学术研讨会 1309301隆重召开,为在校师生献上了学术的饕餮盛宴。数位外籍科学家交流了他们的科研成果的同时,感受到了川农大的巨大发展,纷纷献上了对川农百十华诞的祝福。
My first impression on Sichuan Agricultural University, actually, is its brand new campus. Students here are enthusiastic. I enjoy the process of communicating with them.我对川农大的第一印象就是崭新的校园,学生们很热情,我很喜欢与学生们交流)
——University of California, Riverside(美国加州大学河滨分校) 教授Adam Lukaszewski
The lecture can offer me a great opportunity to learn knowledge in various fields. So undoubtedly, I'm looking forward to it.学术报告会可以让我们接触到更多其它领域的知识,我非常期待)
——Texas A&M University(美国德州农工大学)分子与细胞医学学院教授Vytas A. Bankaitis
This is the second time I've come here. Sichuan Agricultural University is changing rapidly. And this time, I've seen a more advanced university with its teaching equipment built. There have been many students from Sicau in my laboratory, and they are all curious and diligent , so I'm looking forward to more of you to coming to do research with me.这是我第二次来川农,川农一直在变化着,这次更不一样了,更大更新,教学楼更多了。我的实验室有川农的学生,非常勤奋好学。我希望能有更多川农的学生来我的团队里学习)
——Institute of Crop Science National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Japan (日本国立农业食品产业技术综合研究机构作物科学研究所) Takao Komatsuda首席高级研究员
I hope more people could know my academic achievements through this seminar. And to be honest, I enjoy exploring unknown fields with all of you.我希望通过研讨会很更多人分享我的学术成果,一起去探索奇妙的未知领域。)
——University of Adelaide(澳大利亚阿德莱德大学)禾谷类细胞遗传学实验室主任Ian Stewart Dundas
Sichuan Agricultural University has have a 110–year–long history by now, which proves to everyone this is such a wonderful university. How unbelievable it is!川农已经有110年的建校历史,让我惊叹,川农确实是很棒的大学)
——Gyeongsang National University(韩国庆尚大学)应用生命科学部Dae-Jin Yun教授
Sichuan Agricultural University is wonderful. Students here are vigorousAcademic researches here are blossoming. I'd love to say congratulations one more time. Sincerely wish a better and better Sicau.川农是很棒的大学,学生充满活力,学术氛围很浓厚。祝福川农越办越好!)
—Ben-Gurion University of the Negev(以色列本·古里安大学)Aaron Fait教授

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